Saturday, June 4, 2011


Aarrrrghhh!!!!!! Figured out why my post entitled 'FED UP'? Well it all started at 8:40 or something like that. It was at the Seven On Seven restaurant. Okay, me, my mum, my sister(my sister that I informed in previous post) and my other two brothers were going to have a nice meal. We're so freaking hungry at that time. No wonder, we spend our time hanging out at JomHeboh. My father were meeting his friend so we go and have our dinner course. Okay, back with the story. We ordered A WHOLE ROASTED CHICKEN(my brothers), 3 PLATE OF RICE(also my brothers, one of them eats two plates), SATAY(me, my sister and my mum), PLUM JUICE(my sister) and what so over. Okay, straight to the point. I ordered a Mushroom Fried Rice and it took me a long wait. It cause me waiting all day long. I wait, wait, wait and wait patiently. But what do I get? NOTHING! Then my mum suggested that we should go cause it would waste our time waiting for it. So we got into the car and my mum came in later(she just bought a take away whole roasted chicken at that time). So that's my story for tonight as I was still mad about the incident. You know what? I'm still hungry right now. I could a rattle snake sound from my tummy. Yea, I think that's all for tonight's post. Until the next time! Bye!

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